Thursday, September 1, 2011

What's In Your Brown Bag Today

It's September 1st (boo to the cooler weather) and the start of our brown bag challenge (yeah!). I've been looking for a way, a reason, a hope to get back on my love of bringing homemade lunch. Sure we'll have some days of eating oatmeal, but I'm excited for the the extra push to get back to my creative lunch-making roots!

As many of you know and probably also experienced we've had a loss of power here in good ol' MA. This has meant for a lot of creative thinking this week and an extra challenge to start my brown-bagging escapade. No worries though I made a trip to Trader Joe's early this week and was able to keep some grocery essentials here in the work fridge.

So today is the start and I'm leading with a classic salad turned up - adding chive and lemon hummus, toasted almonds, cranberries and a little couscous on top. YUM - can't wait! Although September may have snuck up on you all, don't sweat it, just jump into the challenge with us tomorrow.

Here's to brown bag - although I think this weekend I'll treat myself to a more stylish lunch carrier!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! It would be great if you shared with us what you bring to work.. I am already dreading the salad I brought!
