Wednesday, September 21, 2011

There's Nothing in the Fridge...

On purpose! A couple of weeks ago with the loss of power for a couple of days our entire fridge and freezer had to be emptied. This not only forced me to clean every inch of the appliance but also got us thinking that we're throwing out too much food on a weekly basis. Vegetables that were meant for a stirfry, meat that didn't get grilled and condiments that really weren't a necessity. Life was getting ahead of us and we decided to slow down and really only buy what we need and use what we buy. That means dinners at home all week, lots of prep on the weekends and a list to organize it all - oh I love lists (actually I love crossing off items even more!)

It's been about 3 weeks and I can actually name all the items in both the fridge and freezer. There's lots of white space, and I love that. We're becoming more creative with what we have and wasting less. This challenge was prompted by a power loss and then fostered by September being Hunger Action Month. So take a step back, learn a little more and appreciate your next bite, whatever it might be.

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