Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tricking Tomatoes To Be Juicy

Summer tomatoes are such a short short season for those of us who adore their juicy, sweet taste! There's nothing like a summer tomato, the taste is so distinct I dream about them. However, when you just can't wait and you need a tomato fix there is a solution - or as close as you can come to one.
Roasted TBM
By roasting tomatoes you can enjoy their juicy taste all year long. This concentrates the tomato flavor to create that ripened, just-picked tomato taste. Simply cut the tomatoes and roast (450) for 15-20 minutes until they are red, shriveled little goodnesses. Tonight, I took them out a couple minutes early, added some basil and haloumi (the greek version of mozzarella), salt, pepper, a drizzle of GOOD olive oil and broiled them for another couple of minutes. And shall we say, a summer dinner is served!